
Enroll Now: Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) Courses for Adults Starting This Semester

Our school is excited to announce that we are reintroducing Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) courses for adults, starting this semester. This comes in response to growing interest from the Lehigh Valley community, where many adults have expressed a desire to learn Chinese. The CSL program is designed for English-speaking students new to Chinese, […]

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Fall 2024 Class Schedule and Locations

We’re excited to share the Fall 2024 class schedule and classroom assignments with you. If you have any questions on the first day, our School Board members will be stationed on the second floor of the College Center, ready to assist you with anything you need. If you have not been able to register for […]

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Category Course Time Room Head Teacher 1 Head Teacher 2 Room Parent Age Requirement Official Registration Required? Chinese Speech & Debate I 12:00 – 13:00 CC160 Hanning Yan Laura Li Hongjie Li Grades 4 and Up Yes. Link Chinese AP Prep 13:00 – 13:50 CC191 Wei Guo STEM MathCounts 13:00 – 13:45 CC167 Brandon Cai […]

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Fall 2024 Academic Calendar|2024 秋季学期校历

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Celebrating a Successful School Year at Huaxia Chinese School of Lehigh Valley

Dear Huaxia Chinese School of Lehigh Valley families, Yesterday marked our last school day, and it was a joyful celebration of all the hard work and achievements of our students. It was heartwarming to see the culmination of months of learning and growth, and none of this would have been possible without your support and […]

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Debate Team Triumphs!

Our debate team showcased outstanding performance at the conclusion of today’s “Huaxia Cup” debate competition, capturing the gold medal in the senior division and the silver medal in the junior division! Additionally, three of our debaters were honored as the “Best Debaters,” a testament to their hard work over the past three months. We warmly […]

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Huaxia Chinese School of Lehigh Valley Parent Conference Recap

Sunday April 14, we had a fantastic turnout at our annual Parent Conference. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated! Principal Taoye Zhang gave an insightful review of this school year’s activities, highlighting the achievements and progress we have made together. Our treasurers, Weiwei Kong and Jingang Guo, provided a transparent overview of the […]

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《侨报》是美国唯一一家以简体中文印刷发行的大型综合性日报。《侨报》的“华夏园地”版块每周出版一次,专门刊登华夏中文学校各分校的学校活动、教学分享和学生习作。2024年四月十二日出版的《侨报》“华夏园地”版块是我校专刊! 在日前的征稿活动中,我校学生和家长展现出极大的热情,一共提交了来自三个班级的十九篇学生习作。受版面限制,“华夏园地”版块的编辑精挑细选了11篇学生习作。由于体裁和字数限制未能发表的学生习作,将在华夏中文学校总校的公众号和我校的公众号发表。感谢各位同学的热情参与,也祝贺所有在“华夏园地”和微信公众号上发表文章的小作家们!

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Chinese New Year Gala a roaring success!

Our Chinese New Year Gala was a roaring success! With an incredible turnout of about 400 attendees, this year’s celebration marked a historical high for our school. We’re thrilled to have had such overwhelming support from our community! But that’s not all – our event even caught the attention of LehighValleyNews.com, who reported on the […]

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